Nothing is more important than self care. As another year has begun, I find myself spending time reflecting on my goals from the previous year, how I have grown and lessons learned. With 2020 upon us, I also find myself hungry for success and more focused on what I want out of this next year. This led me to create resolutions that will cultivate my personal and professional success and ultimately, protect my peace.
1. Journal
I write a lot for the blog, clients and other miscellaneous projects but I have strayed away from personal journaling. Each week, I want to set aside time to meditate, journal and reflect. I have found that this helps me track my personal growth and it's always interesting to look back and see what things I have written about that, thankfully, have and have not come to fruition. If you want to start journaling, here are a few great journals with prompts to get started: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude, Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your Voice, and Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration.
2. Read one book a week
I have found with Reality TV, Social Media, and all of the other mindless distractions of the world, I have stopped reading books. Over the last six months, I thought about ways to challenge my mind and found that reading would be the perfect fit. This month I plan on reading The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn, Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple and Chelsea Handler's Life will be the Death of Me. I am still looking for the 4th book, feel free to send suggestions by commenting below or shooting an email!
3. Blog more
Look forward to me bringing you more quality content all year long! We plan on sharing travel/hotel reviews, restaurant recommendations, events and so much more. Stay tuned and make sure you have subscribed to get our latests posts delivered to your inbox.
4. Be more vulnerable with myself and others
Throughout life, we all become jaded to different degrees by experiences and situations that have brought on hurt. Sometimes these experiences chip away at the core of who we are or make us insecure about our best qualities. It's our job to heal from that hurt and in doing so, I have challenged myself to get to know myself on a deeper level and share that version of myself with more people.
5. Continue to put both my physical and mental health first
We live in a society that encourages a "burnout, rest and recovery" behavior pattern. So often we taken on more than we can emotionally handle - working long hours, running never ending errands and overcommitting to our social schedules. Our mental and physical wellness should be our top priority. By continuing to put my health first, I know that I am cultivating the best version of myself allowing me to "keep my cup full". Whether it be working out, going to therapy or practicing meditation and balance, be sure to make time for yourself this year and make your wellness a priority.
6. Volunteer in my community/church
Our time on earth is limited and as a Christian, I believe we are called to be servants in our immediate and extended communities. I want to spend more time volunteering and giving back to those who are struggling in this season of their life. If you are interested in doing the same, contact a local church, city council or google "(YOUR CITY) volunteer opportunities". Going back to resolution #3 I'll be sure to share these experiences with you on the blog.
7. Go somewhere I’ve never been
It's no secret Chris and I love to travel, this year we want to go to a place we haven't been before. We're looking at traveling to Arizona, Utah or New Mexico. If you have any favorite places in these states, let us know!
8. Be an impact everyday
Cliche I know, but it's true. When I think about what I want my legacy to be, the phrase "positive impact" comes to mind. I want to be a source of inspiration and positivity for everyone I meet. Every day I want to be able to impact someone's life in a positive manner. We never know what others are going through and how a simple act of kindness can change their day.
9. Make more time for the “little things” that matter
Life moves fast and this year I intentionally plan on slowing down for the "little things" that matter. Remembering to send a birthday card to a long-time send, visiting a friend that just had a baby and helping out with dishes or household chores so they can rest, calling a friend when I am thinking about them and catching up... these are the moments that make life sweet and I don't want to miss them because I am too busy to stop and slow down.