It still shocks me how many people do not listen to podcasts. Covering a variety of topics for health and wellness, politics, gaming, new music, movies, professional development and more, there are millions of podcasts available to fit your interests and connect you with experts in your field. Below is a list of my four favorite podcasts when I need an escape.

Terrible, Thanks for Asking. Cynical, awkward, and outrageously hilarious this podcast is hosted by Nora McInerny, author of It's Okay to Laugh (Crying is Cool Too). This podcast normalizes life talking about life's trials, tribulations, and awkward moments.

The Brain Candy Podcast. I love listening to this dynamic duo as they discuss everything from celebrity gossip, hot trends, and trap music to pregnancy and married life, especially in my car! Hosted by Sarah Rice (from MTV's The Challenge) and Susie Miester (from MTV's Road Rules), these ladies remind me of being at lunch with my girls. The witty "Monica-Rachel", "Meredith-Christina", "Tina Fey-Amy Pohler" banter is just the laugh you need to make traffic a bit more bearable en route to work.

Serial. Where. To. Begin?! Serial takes investigative journalism to a WHOLE new level. Following the murder case of Hae Min Lee, The State of California v. Adnan Syed. In 1999, Lee was murdered and her ex-boyfriend, Syed was arrested and charged with the murder three weeks later. Allegedly after evidence was left out of trial that could prove innocence, a mistrial and another trial, Syed is found guilty. Sixteen years later, Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder, follow the story as Syed tries to appeal his conviction.

Decode DC - Decode DC is a political podcast that has one goal: to help everyday Americans understand crucial political policies and how they effect us throughout our daily interactions. The podcast was launched by Andrea Seabrook, long-time Congressional Correspondent at NPR, in 2012 and is produced weekly in the Scripps News Washington Bureau.
Check one, a few, or all of these out and let me know what you think. Is there a certain podcast you can't wait to hear each week? Drop a line below and share!
& As always, Thanks for Hanging!